There are a variety of services dedicated to helping people in crisis pay for their utilities.
Also, contact your utility companies to inquire about deferred payment options.
Davis, Morgan, and Weber HEAT Programs
Hours vary by location.
Call or visit scheduling website for specifics.
The Davis, Morgan, and Weber county HEAT programs provide a one time per year payment for heating and cooling assistance for eligible low-income households between November 1 through September of the following year or until available funds are exhausted. It is not required to be shut off nor have shut off notice to apply for benefits. Clients with medical equipment can call for same or next day help. Accommodations can be made for home-bound clients.
Required documents include a photo ID and Social Security cards for every household member (including children). Non-citizens in household must bring copies of Bureau of Citizenship & Immigration Services (BCIS) documents showing legal status in the U.S. Individuals must bring the following documents from the previous month: proof of all GROSS earned and unearned income (including child support and/or alimony), proof of payment for medical or dental expenses, copies of electric and gas utility bills. If bills are in the landlord's name, bring a copy of lease for verification, or have the landlord fill out a Landlord Statement form. Verification will be needed if household includes anyone over 60, under 6, or disabled persons.
Eligibility requirements include having a total household income at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, the individual is responsible for paying home energy costs, and the household must contain at least one US citizen or qualified non-citizen.
Rocky Mountain Power
Rocky Mountain Power provides bill assistance and payment plans for customers experiencing financial hardships.
Click HERE to go to the bill payment assistance webpage.
Customers can call 1-888-221-7070 at any time to speak with a customer care agent who can help answer any questions. We will continue to work closely with state and federal emergency response teams to support all our customers throughout this event.
Dominion Energy
Customers experiencing financial difficulties can apply to defer their payment from Dominion Energy. You can apply for this online or by their customer service phone number.
People rely on us to meet critical needs, and they should not have to worry about losing service during this critical time. We have suspended all service disconnections as individuals, families, businesses and communities pull together to meet our collective needs. We know the communities we serve rely on us to provide an essential service. We remain committed to providing reliable energy service 24-7.
Have your account number ready.
Hearing or speech impaired customers: Dail 711
Click here to email customer service.