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Who We Are


We are a group of community organizations that came together during the 2018-2019 federal government shutdown to understand the economic and social impacts of the shutdown on our community. Support for the initial study and this online resource guide came from the Ogden Weber Chamber of Commerce, Ogden City, Weber and Davis Counties, and Weber State University. We continue to provide a "one-stop" online resource guide and planning guide for our community members impacted by an employment loss or other crisis. 






Weber State University’s Economic Development Office approached the WSU Center for Community Engaged Learning's Research Extension (RE) to conduct a study that would measure the impact the federal government shutdown of 2018-2019 had on the Northern Utah community. The RE agreed and proposed a two-phase project consisting of surveys and focus groups that would analyze how furloughed workers, businesses, and nonprofits were affected.

In the two phases of this project, and in conjunction with other stakeholder groups, the RE designed four comprehensive surveys that targeted furloughed workers, nonprofits, businesses, and a control group. Our data from the study provided actionable suggestions to improve communication channels, access to resources, and emotional support.






We continue to engage in research about how community crises impact businesses, non-profit organizations, and community members.

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