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Week 1 Planning
Calculate Savings

FINANCES (Savings)

Assess short-term and long term savings. How long will your short term savings last? How do you access your long-term (retirement) savings? Read about tax the penalties for early withdrawal HERE. Read about waived early withdrawal fees under the CARES act  HERE.

Image by Dan Gold


Assess food supplies and determine how long they will last. Set a date to reach out to family, religious organizations, or food pantries for assistance. Find resources HERE.

Image by Natasha Spencer


Check with your human resource department about continuation of your health benefits if you are laid off or experience reduced hours. Understand COBRA. Read 1/23/2019 FACT SHEET

Image by Patrick Tomasso


Understand your short-term employment options. What is allowed and what is considered a conflict of interest? Speak with your employer's human resource department.                

Image by The New York Public Library


Need a loan? Check with your financial institution first. Click HERE for information on payday loans and what you need to know.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Image by Chris Yang


Assess due dates for utilities. Set date to contact utility, cell phone, and cable companies about deferred payment arrangements. Find additional resource information HERE.  

Image by Jared Rice


Assess your mental wellness. Click HERE for a short mental health assessment. Click HERE for mental health resources. 

Image by Alex Kotliarskyi


Know the timeframe that you need to report back to work if you are furloughed. Do you have 24 hours or only 12 hours? Speak with your employer's human resource department.

Image by Scott Webb


Determine if an alternative or deferred payment arrangement is necessary. Contact your mortgage provider or landlord to make these arrangements. Read about your rights HERE.

Image by Kelli McClintock


Speak with current childcare facility about keeping spot for children. What will it require? Can you set up deferred payments? Find additional childcare resources HERE.

Image by Marten Bjork


Set a date for when you should apply for unemployment benefits if you cannot find employment or if the federal government shutdown continues. Apply for benefits and assistance with the Utah  Department of Workforce Services HERE.

Volunteering Group


Give back to your community by volunteering. Find local opportunities at

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